Override color in 3d unstable HELP!

Hi! Im new to dynamo and i am trying to override color in view of some rooms in 3d.
I want the rooms to be red if a property of the room (That i have previously imported from data in excel) above the value of 4 and red if under.

This worked, but the color is so unstable in revit, if i move around in 3d the color disappears. Anybody know why?

Hi @victoriano8924C ,

Turn of the Geometry Preview in all nodes with Dynamo Solids in them.

Sorry, im new to dynamo.
Do you mean this?

You have double geometry…if it comes from synthezise then try as here…it a very complicated node…

Right click on a node (containing dynamo solids) and uncheck the preview

Ok, which nodes? I tried all of them but no difference

Not quite sure what you mean. The pictured nodes are all the nodes i have regarding the geometry.
I tried this instead of the method you have pictured. Are you saying i should use the direct shape node and instead use the k-family insert?

Could you show what you have now?

Yes ofcourse

The shapes in 3d are still the same, a mixture of grey and red

Iknow all of them are checked for preview. I tried unchecking them, no difference

You haven’t turned the preview off, they should be blue if you turned the preview off

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I deleted the figures in 3d and reopened revit…it worked.
Sorry to waste your time, thank you anyway! :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: