Hi guys!
That is amazing.
I am having trouble adding my geometry to Forma. Does it need to be of a special type of geometry? like mesh? or is it possible if the watch 3D node displays a solid or a polysurface?
I tried with solids, nothing comes to my Forma project when I click “Add”, but I can see the solid in Dynamo, as well as in the Watch3D node,
Disable all other displays, including the topography.
Thanks for the answer Jacob !
Unfortunately, it is not there to be seen… The geometries havent been added to Forma. Is it supposed to work with Solids as well?
Nevermind, I think I see it. Try sending just one solid not a list of solids to the Watch3D node. if that doesn’t work, then share the graph.
That is already one solid, union of several solids.
I send you the graph right now.
Test forma script.dyn (41.8 KB)
Yep ok you re right !
I changed it… nothing came
Did you test it as well ?
It is pretty basic, I just wanted to test the connection
I haven’t - was wrapping up another task first. Trying now and will report back.
Split this into a new topic as it’s a discrete troubleshooting thing.
Tried it and things worked fine on my end:
It can take longer than you’d expect for the data to send in either direction - for my AU session it usually took 20-30 seconds in either direction, but once it took 5 minutes to display (I literally managed to brew a pot of coffee), and then another 10-15 seconds to do something after I clicked “add”. And mind you that was with a cuboid.
Ok weird… Then if everything is ok with the script, I will test it again !
Thanks a lot anyway!
If it’s still hanging up after a bit let me know and I’ll flag the developer for you. Might be awhile till we get a response (they’re tied up with stuff at AU), but better than nothing.
Got a developer to weigh in - can you give us the terrain elevation in your project, and send one of the buildings over to Dynamo so that we have a basis of comparison for elevation data? I suppose you could invite me to the project or let me know where in the world it’s currently working so I can confirm if this is related.
Hi Jacob,
You re right, we have a height issue.
Still cant find it in forma though, but I will work on that. I will try with another topo
Hmmm… Curious - might be another issue at play. I’ll reach out via a more direct channel for deeper data gathering.
I had to download the Dynamo Sandbox linked in the extension - running it from Revit 2024.2 didn’t work.
We’ll take a look at why that may be In the meantime, at least you have it working in Sandbox!
Hi guys,
I gave some other tries… I can see the geometry in the dynamo preview without any problem… but somehow, I cant manage to import any kind of geometry to Forma…
Thanks for looking at it !
@craig.long looks like we have some payload issues potentially here?
@baud.dem we’ll be looking at hardening this process so things get more robust. In the meantime, is this failing for both Revit and Sandbox, or just one?
Thanks a lot Sol !
Looks like it is just failing in Revit so far