
Hi everyone,

I am struggling so much with levels and lacing setup with the Geometry.ClosestPointTo node. As you can see in the following image that I attach with a scheme, I just want to cross list 0 with list 0 and list 1 with list 1 (yellow line). Then, within those lists I want to cross the first polycurve with the other two sublists (red lines) and them the second polycurve with the other two lists again (blue lines). Same for the list 1 (green lines and cian lines).

Thank you!

@JMCiller ,

you can try with designscript style …



Try both @L2 and cross product lacing.

Hi @jacob.small ,

It does not seem to work as it is not projecting all the points… only few of them…

I attach the DWG and the DYN file in case you want to have a look at it.

I also attach a more descriptive image of what I am behind.

Bracing test.dyn (518.0 KB)
Test.dwg (7.9 MB)

Thank you and regards,

I don’t think you need any lacing or list levels at all. Since the structure is essentially the same the node automatically iterates through the matching sublists.

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Hi @Nick_Boyts ,

I am not getting the outcome that you are showing… you will see that the points are being projected in one polycurve (green lines) but not in the other polycurve (red lines).

I need to get the projection in both polycurves. Then, I will insert the same node configuration but with the “distance to” node and I will take the minimum values. With those minimum values, I know that I am getting the point that I am interesting in which is the closest one.

In your screenshots it’s a bit unclear what the polycurve is and what the datastructure and contents of the List.Transpose data is. Can you expand that preview? You may have to shrink down the data set to be only one truss with say 4 chords.

This. And can you confirm you’re not getting any results from some sublists by selecting them in the preview to highlight the geometry? It could be that they just aren’t where you’re expecting / overlapping with other points.

Hi @jacob.small ,

Here you have the screenshot:

I made a test with just one list (GetItemAtIndex with index 0) and it is working fine, but I do need to carry out that step with more than one list :frowning:

We still need to see what’s inside the transposed list. Based on that screenshot it looks like each item is getting a “closest point” since the number of items and list structure matches. Again, it might be worth selecting the sublists or otherwise filtering them out to see exactly what it’s returning.

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Sorry guys @Nick_Boyts @jacob.small ,

I have added a watch node to let you see what is inside the Transpose node:

As you may have noticed, everything is hidden but the Object.Geometries nodes and the Geometry.ClosestPointTo.