From excel cells modelcurve.bycurve outside sketchplane

modelcurve.bycurve-outside-sketchplane.dyn (94.6 KB)
Tendon 1-7 Bottom.xlsx (16.8 KB)
modelcurve.bycurve-outside-sketchplane.rvt (6.9 MB)

I do not use REVIT, sometimes I do some coding to assist production teams.
This is my first attempt at Dynamo in REVIT (version 2024).
The input data is from EXCEL.
The Dynamo graph works - result is ok,
A warning occurs: ModelCurve.ByCurve … lies outside SketchPlane.
I guess there must be a method to adjust Work Plane / Sketch Plane from the EXCEL input - prior to adding the objects to the REVIT Proeect Model - Yes?
Thx for you patience,

I usually create a new sketch plane, replace the current plane for doc.ActiveView, and then create lines. But I don’t remember if it is better to delete the generated sketch plane at the end. I think it might be better to delete it if the lines don’t disappear along with it.

Check out the three overloads of SketchPlane.Create:
SketchPlane Class
SketchPlane property of a View instance:
View Class

Yes,Unlike AutoCAD, absolutely everything in Revit sits on one plane or another. Which can lead to some interesting artifacts if you rotate a section or elevation with 2d objects.