Hello, I’m running into a strange error in Revit when attempting to create floors using the Floor.ByOutlineTypeAnd Level node (Polycurve input): Revit says “Can’t change plane of Floor Sketch.” This doesn’t make any sense. I’m working in Dynamo v2.12.1.11123 in Revit 2022.1.5. Perhaps this is a glitch that is resolved in subsequent builds? Or is there something else that I’m missing?
Not clear,
Are you in a family edit mode or Revit space
Are you sure that your polycurves are parallel to floor? There might be an off axes situation.
@Marcel_Rijsmus I’m in the Revit Space and not in an edit mode.
@emrullah.yildiz I will try to confirm. The curves were created from horizontal planes according to the levels in the project that intersect a surface. Based on this I don’t think it’s likely that any of the polycurves are off axis.
I understand. It is hard to find a solution. I can suggest you to try doing different operations to run some tests. For example, try to extrude your polycurves, if you cannot, it means you have problem with the polycurve(angles, shapes etc.), or try to use a basic polycurve and use the same floor node to check if your node and other inputs are ok.
@emrullah.yildiz I did some tests and it appears that the bottom curve does have discrepancies with the plane. However, it is further unclear how this can be possible. I tested the intersection again and for some reason, Dynamo mistakenly thinks that the intersection of the surface at elevation 0 is two points. This is not possible given the input geometry:
Try pulling to plane and checking then.
HI @GavinCrump, I’m not sure what you mean.
If the curves don’t seem to think they’re on a plane, join them as polycurves and project/pull to the level’s plane you’re trying to make the floor at.
The fact you’re getting point intersect makes me think some of your curves must be inclined slightly from the XY plane.