FormIt (or Revit) + Dynamo: Extract surface area of conceptual masses by material type

Hi all,

I am looking for a way to extract the surface area of specific faces of my conceptual mass model in FormIt. I decided to assign a certain material to those faces I’m interested in. For example: I would like to know the (summed) surface area of the three faces with red brickwork in the attached screenshot (nr 1).

Using the Dynamo node ‘Surface.FilterByOrientation’ I am able to extract the area of surfaces with a specific orientation (horizontal up/down and vertical, see screenshot nr 2). However, I did not find an equivalent node with which I can filter by surface material? Does this exist?
Or does anyone of you know an alternative method?

I already tried the same with mass objects in Revit, but here too, I did not succeed in extracting the painted surfaces of my masses, neither using Material takeoff schedules nor using Dynamo code…

Thanks for your reply!

PS. I did read the post…, but I am looking for a more automated method to export the area measurements outside of the FormIt Materials panel.

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Hi @m.senave ,

I would like to do the same thing.

-I could try to automate the process of creating Revit Copy at FormIT elements
-I could try to automate the creation of 1 revit Surface at multiple FormIT elements.

Manually you can “Model By Face” from each element in the Mass that comes from Form IT.

Hence, It should be possible to access the same Faces through Dynamo too, no?

and further filter on orientation, etc.

Did you make any progress in this topic?
How can I address the individual faces?

I understand My FormIt Models are too elaborated to speak of “early stage conceptual design”, but a transfer to Revit would serve multiple purposes.

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