Formatting / Calculate Totals on a schedule

Hi everyone,
I am trying to change the formatting calculate from No calculation to Calculate totals. I am using the Orcid node Schedule.Fomatting and it’s asking for a string I tried to set it with a “Calculate totals” as string but nothing happened. The default is “standard” does anyone know what string I should be putting in there to get “Calculate totals”

@V-nom20 ,

where should the calculate total happen in dynamo? in the schedule? stored in a Parameter ?

in python you simple can sum

even string formats you can convert und sum…

OUT = sum(IN[0])

My apologies, I guess I should be more thorough on my explanation so the specific part I am talking about is in a schedule view. shown like this:
As you can see the length shows up as “varies” my script which is doing a couple of things is making this schedule but the issue is within the properties of that schedule under formatting (showing in the picture below) the calculation part is showing " No calculation " I am trying to make that say " Calculate totals " using scripts to finish up my creation of the schedule.

Thank you in by the way for any help given

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As far as I’m aware this isn’t doable with OOTB nodes, I’m also not aware of any packages that do this.

You’ll need the following from the API:
field.DisplayType = ScheduleFieldDisplayType.Totals

I do have the following stashed away:

import clr
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

schedule = UnwrapElement(IN[0])
colName = IN[1]

schedDef = schedule.Definition
countParameters = schedDef.GetFieldCount()

for i in range(countParameters):
	paramName = schedDef.GetField(i).ColumnHeading
	if paramName == colName:
		index = i
		field = schedDef.GetField(index)
		field.DisplayType = ScheduleFieldDisplayType.Totals
		OUT = paramName	

Thank you, I was trying to find something in the API before but obviously didn’t find anything. I am still trying to learn the art of the API. I really appreciate your input.

    This is if you want to add "Grand totals" (AI-assisted).

import clr
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

schedule = UnwrapElement(IN[0])
colName = IN[1]

schedDef = schedule.Definition
countParameters = schedDef.GetFieldCount()

for i in range(countParameters):
    paramName = schedDef.GetField(i).ColumnHeading
    if paramName == colName:
        index = i
        field = schedDef.GetField(index)
        field.DisplayType = ScheduleFieldDisplayType.Totals
        # Added code to show grand total in the schedule.
        schedDef.ShowGrandTotal = True
        # Added code to show grand total title in the schedule.
        schedDef.ShowGrandTotalTitle = True
        OUT = paramName