Floor Slope Arrow

I am working on a script to make floors and I would like to also add a slope arrow to these floors

I can make the floors but I’m not finding much I can use to create a slope arrow with specified height offsets at the tail/head. Is it possible? Another way would be to modify sub elements but this will introduce triangulation for floors which are not square, and its easier to specify the slope at the end of the slope arrow for other users if necessary.

The ability to edit sketch-based elements via API was extremely limited for a long time. Relatively recently (Revit 2022) the Factory enabled an API to access sketch elements. Because it is “new”, I don’t know that there are any out of the box nodes that cover sketch editing- there may be a package out there that adds this ability.

Outside of that, you could access the sketch elements using Python. I would read up on the Sketch API at Revit API Docs:

File this under “this is older than it feels…”For a sense of just how old… This API is in every supported version of Revit as of a month or two ago when 2025 came out. :slight_smile:

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This post will give you a good start at editing the sketch, though it is tailored at walls instead of floors.

The slope arrow and offsets thereof is something I haven’t looked into, but at least this is a head start. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Forgot to provide the link.

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I was hoping there would be a non-Python/API way about this one!

I guess no harm in trying to put the Python skills I’m learning to use!


Late reply, I will have to look into it further. It’s no big deal to have to edit these slabs manually, but if I’m making them in Dynamo to begin with… I may as well try to get the slope as well

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