Hi Everyone,
I am trying to build a script that creates openings on the floor. I have tried to use springs node to create an opening but sadly it works for only flat floor. In my case, The floor is having slopes. Can anyone advise if I am off track?
Hi @Mitesh_Gajjar , can you upload your graph?
See attached dyn file for your use. Let me elaborate what I am currently trying to achieve.
- Select floor from linked model.
- Model floor as flat.
- Change the slab slope defining editing points.
- Cut any openings traced from linked model.
FLOOR OPENING_V2.dyn (83.3 KB)
Do you think this is possible with Springs.FloorOpenings.ByCurves?
Hi All,
So, Today I have tried to do some research on this script. And found out that I can create flat floor first and then I can cut openings in there. If I push the same floor to edit shape points using passthrough, it deletes my openings. However, If I break my graph in (2) parts. P1 = create flat floor and create openings in there. and P2= edit the shape points. That way it works fine. But, I really don’t want to break this graph in parts.
Any ideas?
Have you tried using shafts instead? They can cut both sloped floors and roofs by extruding a planar cutting loop. Springs has a node for those as well.
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