Find Wall Location Line Problem

Hello, I woluld like to Wall location line accordingly my revit model.

But my script gives Center line to me but I need to find Core face location line.

Can u help me about this topic.

@eness.gun ,

Use from Clockwork Element.Location+



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Do u have some think about this ?

Element.Location+ will still only give you the wall centreline…

Use the Genius Loci nodes instead to identify wall location layer lines, filter by is within the core or not then select first and last to get 2 faces of core.

You will have to get the vector of the wall if you want to accurately determine inside/outside face of core though.

Hi @eness.gun do you have dynamoironpackage 2.7 installed ?

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I am working on your advice but maybe I have a problem :slight_smile:
What I need to solve that.

Doesn’t look like you have a problem? Both nodes have an output no, unless they are saying null? Can you send a picture with your outputs expanded?

If your outputs are null you will need to install the ironpython package as @sovitek suggests.

Thank you @sovitek @Draxl_Andreas @haganjake2
I solve my problem with your advice.


If you could press the solution if you have solved this that would be great :slight_smile: