Wall Location Line Coordinates

Hi fellas!
We’ve been trying to get wall location line coordinates.
Only option that we have right now is getting the “element location” and this function, of course, it grabs the center line of the wall geometry. This is not the “center” of core either. It is the “center of the entire geometry” which is absolutely no use in architectural production world.

Having said that, if you know how to harvest those information, please let us know ASAP.

Hi @rkang55FUZ,

There is the Wall CompoundStructureLayersLocation node in the Genius Loci package which retrieves the location of all layers.

wall location


havnt completly tryed it out myself but Compund Edges References from Genious loci appers to give you the edges cant see the math behind it so can garantee its right

. if you want to do some math yourself here is how the structure work by my understanding

in that case you would have to get the wall location (which is the center of wall as you pointed out) and then extract the compund structure and do the math on the invidual walls.
keep in mind that if the wall is flipped the location is going to change so you might want to sort out flipped walls . (there is anode in genius loci called get flipped elements that works) and lastly if you use get parameter value by name “Location Line” dynamo will return location line in the form of number 0-5 which corresponds to the diffrent settings for location line see example in first picture.



Thank you so much! You solved it

Yes, we got to this point but what we were looking for was what Alban posted. Thank you.