Im working on a graph to draw area location lines, this may obvious, but how to get exterior face of core location lines as curves to feed into and AreaLinesByCurve node?
Hello @J_Sanford …could something work for exterior location i use Genius loci…
another option could probably set the area type…
yeh I tried this but it gets the center line of the layers. I suppose I could do some gymnastics and get the thickness of the structural layer from another node and then offset it. Is there a way to get the location line of a wall in liu of that? I am fine with that as well.
allright in my first example i grab the exterior wall faces lines…if you only want the location line then use element location curve…
Hope i understand
so when I run this on a wall, I get the center of the layer, in other words the center of the substrate layer or the center of the finish layer. Its one of those super tricky dynamo things lol.
is there a way to convert a wall reference to a line or vector? We can get the exterior wall face refence with another node…
Thats strange…could you share a small model with your walls…offcourse its possible to offset as we with these great nodes actuelly get all layer width…but still strange works fine here…
Project1.rvt (2.7 MB)
Home.dyn (14.8 KB)
here are the files I was experimenting with
cheers…i take a look later and went back im a little bit busy right now…but later today…
no worries! thanks
Hello @J_Sanford …the file you send
have only 2 walls for create area it had to be in closed loop…
try to play around with these here from Genius Loci…
testarea.dyn (18.6 KB)