Filtering Levels and apply correct workset

I have some levels that have been assigned to an incorrect workset and i am trying to use Dynamo to correct this slight problem.

I found this post [Filter All Elements of Family Type selection by parameter] which seems to address my problem, bus so far i have been having a hard time getting the Levels to be set to the correct workset.

Here is my DYN (Revit 2015 and Dynamo 1.1) -

@Tom_Kunsman Can you upload your dyn file again.It seems it is not properly uploaded.

@Tom_Kunsman Shouldn’t parameter name be “Workset” instead of “REW Architectural”?

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I only uploaded a capture of it, but I will try again.

assign levels.dyn (5.2 KB)

Hmm, even if I switch that I still get Levels which I know are on an incorrect workset but do not show up in my watch node.


The workset parameter that your extracting is an ID number not the name.

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@Tom_Kunsman Workset storage type is Element id. You can’t feed names to it.


Looks like @Monkey_Puppet and i replied at the same time both solutions are exact match :smile: :smile:

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@Kulkul great minds think alike :wink: