Filtering edges

I am using this to filter only the edges that represent the foot print of a room

but i am getting this somehow

Use the new boundary nodes in Dynamo 1.2.0 instead.

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that node returns walls only, and they sometimes extend away from the rooms, so I can;t use them.
I dont know why but the Curves return empty lists.

oh wait i am seeing now that you are saying in Dynamo 1.2.0 - I only have 1.1…

if you can, i suggest using 1.2.0. The nodes included will save you some time and frustration!

will do

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Let us know if those nodes get the results you are looking for. Good luck! :slight_smile:

hmm i just updated it and I still dont seem to have those nodes, are you sure they are not from a package?


nope I just dont have Room there…and I just reinstalled the new update twice ;(

You might need to uninstall and reinstall through the Autodesk Uninstall tool

are you looking at the stand alone Dynamo or the revit add in?


I dont have the autodesk uninstall tool, but I uninstalled from the control panel and installed again

still dont have it … ;/

That’s very odd. What Revit version?

2015; and i cant use another one, because my project is fixed to it…

I opened a test project in 2016 and got this
which is still not all of the things you get, and still doens’t work for me, because my project is in 2015…

Darn… It seems the nodes aren’t available in Revit 2015. Not too sure why you still don;t see them in 2016 though.

Another way to get the boundaries quickly is to use Lunchbox Room Element Collector.

Apologies for the confusion.

how does this work? how do i feed the deisred rooms into the nod? I fed the list in the toggle, but this is obviously wrong

That node collects all the rooms, but since it too is acting odd, will this work?

this sounds very clever and was so sure it was going to work, but alas

i think probobly there is something wrong with my rooms…