Filter dimensions and set a value

Hi team,

I think I am almost there. Can you have a look? In my case I want to add the text “GAP” to the set below value only to the dimension is 16, I hope you can have a look

Your list length may be off, have you tried testing in active view.

Hi Kai, looks interesitng ill give it a go, however which is the node before categories (to he left) i just can see the cable.


you can ignore that one, that was me looking at the “All elements of category” rather then going the category and view route

Hi Kai,

This is the script updated as per the one you shared. However, now it is not filtering the dimension just to apply to the 16 one but is applying to all. Do you have any suggestions?



Looks like it’s a continuous dimension, maybe have a look here Dimensions SetBelow for specific dimension in a continuous string - #2 by john_pierson
Cheers Kai

240525DimBelowText.dyn (21.4 KB)

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Thanks mate, this way is so easy

thanks for the help