FilledRegion.ByCurves will not place the filled regions

Hi all,

The idea of this script is to place circle form filled regions at the locations of trees in our model.

For this I get all planting elements of our project and filter them.
After this I search for the locations of the trees.
At this point I create a circle where radius is half of the height of the tree.

From this circle i create a surface and get the perimeter from this surface to get the boundary of the filled region. I checked of the circle is a closed curve (they all are closed).

Now i’m stuck with the FilledRegion.ByCurves node.

I read a few topics of this subject in this forum and tried a few ways to get it, but i still didn’t get it working for me.

Does someone has some suggestions to get it working?

Filled regions require a curve loop, which is a list of curve segments that represent an enclosed boundary. A circle does not meet this requirement so you have to split it into arcs. You can just use Curve.SplitByParameter to get two separate curves and supply those instead.

There’s also no reason to create the surface to get the boundary. You can just use the circle you created.


Thanks! Now it works fine!