Good morning! I am fairly new to revit and VERY new with Dynamo. I have been learning rapidly and have done countless hours of research on the topic.
One of our subcontractors was able to extract X,Y, Z coordinates from a model based on family. I have his model and graph, however when I run his to schedule penetrations, the XYZ values are not coming into my schedule. I have also tried to export to Excel to no coordinate avail. One thing was suggested was to add XYZ parameters to the project parameters, still to no avail.
I’ve watched a tutorial my sub suggested and mimicked the entire video, but at step of element.location+, the tutorial showed coordinated and my seat did not.
Please see snipits below:
Warning: Point.ByCoordinates expects argument type(s) (double, double, double), but was called with (Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point, Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point, Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry.Point).