Hi everyone, I was trying to obtain the parameter of a family type using the orchid package and I get an error about pointers. I checked to see if there is any null information being fed to the get parameter block but that does not seem to be the case. Any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Are you in a project or family enviroment?
Hey Andreas, I am in a project environment.
That node is made to run in a family document. If you want to get/set parameters at project level you can do that using element.getparametervaluebyname and element.setparameterbyname.
First of all thanks for the response. So i tried that but dynamo is not able to find that parameter from the element i selected in my model.
I think I am typing the parameter name correctly.
You have selected an instance, but are trying to set a type parameter. Pull the element’s type using the Element.ElementType node Dynamo Dictionary (dynamobim.com), and then you can set the type parameter from there. Remember this will impact ALL elements of this type.
Think we need a sticky thread for this one, the If node and the Excel fail…