Family Modeling

Can we use dynamo to create form (the actual revit model with grip, not an import model) in revit family?
Thank you


Yes there are a few nodes… Hopefully they are what you are after…


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Yes as Mark show, but the family we create dont have any constrain-dimension to refplanes, but could be created

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Thank you! I have already try with FamilyType.ByGeometry. It works!
But the solid is free form element. So I cannot edit its sketch line without dynamo.
I found on autodesk some code to get NewExtrusion solid.
I wonder if there is nodes work like that code?

sketchPlane = Autodesk.Revit.DB.SketchPlane.Create(doc,plane1)
solid1 = doc.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusion(True, curveArrArray, sketchPlane, 100.0)

Created by Dynamo geometry extrude

Created by Revit api code