Can we use dynamo to create form (the actual revit model with grip, not an import model) in revit family?
Thank you
Yes as Mark show, but the family we create dont have any constrain-dimension to refplanes, but could be created
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Thank you! I have already try with FamilyType.ByGeometry. It works!
But the solid is free form element. So I cannot edit its sketch line without dynamo.
I found on autodesk some code to get NewExtrusion solid.
I wonder if there is nodes work like that code?
sketchPlane = Autodesk.Revit.DB.SketchPlane.Create(doc,plane1)
solid1 = doc.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusion(True, curveArrArray, sketchPlane, 100.0)
Created by Dynamo geometry extrude
Created by Revit api code