Can be create family instance from Geometry Dynamo and edit sketch line?

Hi everyone.
Dynamo can be create family instance from Geometry Dynamo and Edit sketch line?
Thank Advance!


hi @manhgt214 ,you could edit the family and give it some refplane and parameter dimension then you will have handles…you could probably do it with some BG open not sure…but it will never be model in place


Yes - this can be done. Not easily though. Look into the api and know there are a few steps. Offhand I believe these will get you started, however I haven’t tested in quite awhile:

  1. Start a new family document.
  2. Generate the sketch plane.
  3. Start the new sketch.
  4. Add the sketch lines.
  5. Generate the extrusion from the sketch.
  6. Bring the family into the project document.
  7. Close the family document.
  8. Create an instance of the new family.

Thank you!

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I will try it, thank a lot!!