First attempt at Dynamo and I’m sure I’ve made this too complicated but need some direction. I would like to place a lifter on a precast wall at specific distances from the inside face and both ends based on the wall width. I can get it to place the objects but it always places them at the ground level. Do I need to align them or pick a face instead? I would use this same function on the edge of the panel also but it currently piles them on at the bottom of the wall.
That may work on the top, but I was hoping to get this to work on the edge of a wall as well.
Could you drop relevant rvt and dyn file?
I would love to, but when I tried it stated I was a new user and couldn’t upload files.
This is a project I’m having my students work on and would like to expose them to Dynamo with this process.
Here is the project file:
Here is the Dynamo file:
The Springs.FamilyInstance.ByFacePoints node is what I was looking for. I’m getting closer to have it function. It’s currently only placing a face at the first point though. Edge Lifters2.dyn (34.6 KB)