Exporting Grid location

Hi everyone,

I am in the process of exporting out geolocation data from a 3d model however it seems like its picking up other grids number which doesn’t match in the model and there are alot of other data its picking up hench the blue dots I have purged my model but its still something there, Geospatial Reference Export.dyn (43.4 KB)
for example,

a structural foundation with grid line A1 would show up as M10 anyone else have this problem I have attached the script and model to this post if anyone can assist in anyway.

Any links involved? Also can you share a rvt file (not necessarily your project) that can be used to recreate the issue?

Download link

it is related to your in-place families- I guess they do not have a ‘location’ as such- just a sketch in space

Some of the real families also are not properly located to the reference planes

Hi Andrew thank you for getting back to me, that would make sense , however some of the families I click would have different grid location information to what is located on the grid which means its not picking up the correct grid location.

Hi Jacob the link has been provided below if you can still access it @Andrew_Hannell has already looked into this issue and has kindly advised however I still have the issue which I has responded below

Can someone reply to me please about this issue??

@s.rooble - I’ll have a look at this tonight. Was busy with the generative design day we hosted in Boston yesterday.

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Thank you so much Jacob, hope it went well :slight_smile:

It went very well. :smiley:

Check out the twitter account for my co-worker - @DunneDesignTech - there were some good pics posted.

Looks like the issue is exactly as @Andrew_Hannell indicated - because you have some in-place families, your Element.Location is returning a list with a different length than you’re expecting. I skipped that node entirely, got a bounding box for each element, got the min and max points, got the average point for each pair of points, and used that as the location.

This appears to resolve the issue. Give it a shot and let us know if you get stuck.

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Are you able to provide me with a screenshot of this please ?

Wound up posting from my phone after I resolved because I lost WiFi. I will post later today, but you can take a stab at it In your own with these directions.

Instead of the clockwork Element.Location node, use the following:

All Elements of Category → Element.BoundingBox
(Builds a light weight cube around the element)

Element.BoundingBox → BoundingBox.MinPoint and BoundingBox.MaxPoint
(Gets the minimum and maximum points of the cube, in separate lists)

BoundingBoxMinPoint and BoundingBoxMaxPoint → List Create
(Joins the two lists into a single list)

List.Create → List.Transpose
(Changes from a list of min points and max points to a min/max pairing for each element)

List.Transpose → Point.Average (from the clockwork package).
(Gets the middle point of the cubes)

The output from Point.Average gets wire into the rest of your graph, connecting in where the current Element.Location node is connected.