Hi, I was able to export Dynamo Geometry to Revit Conceptual Mass using some packages, like Spring nodes, and I guess they are already not working due to some changes in Dynamo.
Any fast new way to export Dynamo Geometry to Revit Conceptual mass 2023?? and also can we write to STL directly from Dynamo? I guess all I know in Revit 2022 is not working anymore.
Thanks in advance
The springs node works just fine for me, although you might have to edit an input name (can’t recall if this is the case here). You can also utilize the FamilyType.ByGeometry node which is in the out of the box toolset.
In all cases if you’re working with a unit type which isn’t imperial feet then you’ll want to scale your geometry by the unit conversion ratio (ie: if you’re in meters scale up the geometry by 3.2808399 units), due to a known Revit API bug.
Hi dear, I am using meters as for the units, and the springs node was working fine for Revit 2022, I get this warning message when I installed it on Revit 2023, something related to Iron Python 2 not supported
Install the Iron Python 2 package from package manager and you should be all set. Once installed you’ll have a “warning”, which is to inform you that you’re using code with a potential security risk. This does not mean the code doesn’t function, just that you may want to consider other options (ie: the FamilyType.ByGeometry node) for future use.
Thanks dear Jacob, I tried the FamilyType.ByGeometry node, it is not working properly, if you have an sample or reference to read it in details it would be highly appreciated, if you could also shared any node name that allow direct Export from Dynamo to STL, it would be really appreciated.
Thank dear
I also found the STL export method!! thank dear
The FamilyType.ByGeometry node produces a family type, but does not make an instance thereof, so you have to utilize the resulting type in a FamilyInstance.ByPoint node (or similar, depending on your template).
I’ve used this in a few places, give it a shot with a simple sphere and see where you get stuck and we can guide you. Alternatively you can continue to utilize the SAT export/import, but this may be limiting due to the lack of parameters and such.
Thanks dear, I will try it