I was trying to replicate the Create SheetSet from Sheet grouping but I got the “Expected View, Got List, Python Error”
Could someone help me with creating a loop for the view set, I just don’t know enough Python to figure it out… or is there are node that does this already?
November 12, 2017, 9:00pm
There are a couple of links in this post that will help you to get started:
The following posts are related to PYTHON LISTS:
Could you also paste the code you are working on as preformatted text?
November 14, 2017, 1:53pm
Hi Ana,
Use Flatten node before feeding views to “Print PDF” and also make sure you add close transaction before you start another transaction:
And here is DYN file
Create Sheetset (For Ana).dyn (4.2 KB)
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