Exception when attempting to load package DynaShape

I am unable to get the DynaShape package to successfully load in Sandbox ( - I have tried the latest and every version back to 6.4 but no luck. I am making sure that I restart Dynamo and that meshtoolkit is installed (this happens automatically with latest version) but no luck. What is weird is that I have it working fine in Dynamo for Revit (2021.1.2) …

This is what is printed to the log:

Exception when attempting to load package DynaShape from C:\Users\#####\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Core\2.10\packages\DynaShape

System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.

Anyone got any idea what might be going on?


Slightly speculative… But as you may know, the only part of Dynamo which is not open source is it’s geometry library. It piggy-backs off a host application’s geometry library (Revit, Civils, Alias).

For Sandbox, there is no host application to piggy-back off, so that’s probably throwing the error with DynaShape?

I might be wrong…



Hey Mark,

Thanks for the reply and the suggestion. This could be the explanation although other geometry stuff works and the meshtoolkit package loads without a problem. I have Revit installed on the same machine so I thought it was able to use the geometry libraries from that?