I am a noob to Dynamo but the script I would like to put together involves retrieving a parameter value(P&ID Number) from an element and then fill that element with values assigned to that P&ID number in the excel row. Can anybody offer me some guidance on this? Currently I know how to retrieve data from Excel and fill families of a certain type with data but I want to fill them by their P&ID Numbers. I’d greatly appreciate any help, thanks.
I think it is a similar idea yes, see attached script, I am trying to find the value for P&ID in excel and find the element with the corresponding parameter with that P&ID Number and then populate the rest of the parameters associated with that p&id. The P&ID is the common denominator TRIAL 1.dyn (24.2 KB)
I probably could, but I want to learn Dynamo. I think this is nearly like an IF/ELSE STATEMENT. If the value of P&ID in excel = X then populate parameters in selected family from that row. ELSE return Null
if you clean the nodes of node, and only get the item and index one, then only the “AA” and the corresponding details will be implemented to the AA assigned element… the BB element does not get assigned parameter details
how could we work around this so that it would remove nulls, then go through all the items under the ID number, and applied them to corresponding elements w/ these numbers?
if we get to trouble shoot this area the code would be perfect and helpful to improve mine