'Elements from Linked File in Room'

Hi All,

I’m trying to select groups in a linked file, can anyone see a problem with the attached tree or files?

Thanks in advance,


Project-Test-2016 for linking.rvt (2.2 MB)
Project-Test-2016-tobelinked.rvt (2.6 MB)

Hello, the problem lies in your group selection because they are in your linked file. You could try something like this:

or see here:


Thanks a lot for getting back to me, that looks like a great idea.

Unfortunately though, I am looking to select Elements (Groups), not a Category.

Would you know of an alternative node?

The only linked file node I have found is the “Elements From Linked File in Room”, which I have tried in this tree.



Try All Elements of Type in Document from Rhythm
Update: I still get a null result at the moment, I’ll take a closer look at this later.
There is another method with Room.Contains:

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OK, last update, it seems to work with All Elements of Type in Document from Rhythm but you need to add a Flatten node just after :relaxed:


Thanks for helping, but I can’t see how you are getting groups from a linked file?

I can get groups from the host file, it is the linked file that’s failing…



Here is what I did:

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Awesome, that works!

Interesting, that process still gave nulls if the levels weren’t being used…

I wonder whether the problems are to do with the way that levels are interrogated by the nodes?

Thanks hugely,


I’m trying your solution but its not working.How can I solve this?


Please start a new thread for a new question. Also, you are NOT doing what the solution posted here suggests. I recommend you try that solution EXACTLY again, and only when that doesn’t work, post a new question.