Element.Geometry failed to construct the polycurve (branched polycurve)

Hi, I try to create dynamo for placing openings in wall and structural framing from linked model. All works perfect but after some time I get problem with one beam. Bellow is image with warning:

How can I work around this? Thank You for Your help!

Below bigger view:

Is geometry scaling set to medium?

What do You mean? Where I can change it?

Preferences, but the default is medium so that may not be it. Can you isolate the failing element in the link - deleting everything but, and post a view of the element and the Revit with the other events cleared out?

Yes, but I don’t have access to the computer until thursday…


Hi, “linked element” below:

and bigger part of dynamo (on the left datashape UI, on the right placing family and rotate by elements):

I tried Element.Solids and LinkElement.Solids without positive results…

Can you post the RVT file with just that element (and anything which modifies the geometry) in it? Otherwise we can’t identify why it’s failing.

Ok, sorry I can’t delete everything. Below is purged model:

Here are few problematic elements:
Ids: 1511745,1511860,4442115

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The window (???) family instances Ballas_Opening_Circular 4" in the beams have a circular opening that is tangent to the edge of a face, making geometry which isn’t physically possible to build, nor is it possible to push into Dynamo directly. Pull them down by 1/16" and you should be all set, but this will require some rebuilding of model elements.

The conditon:

The fix:

Depending on your intent for the graph, you may be able to get by without converting the geometry (i.e. using element intersection testing instead of geometry; using the Revit API directly) or you can look into converting the geometry in a piecemeal format to get what you need.

Thank You. All is clear… I thought this error is affect by openings but my knowledge of “construction” elements in Revit is very small.
For future reader. I go around this problem by remove wrong geometry and corresponding pipes from lists:

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