Hi, I try to create dynamo for placing openings in wall and structural framing from linked model. All works perfect but after some time I get problem with one beam. Bellow is image with warning:
How can I work around this? Thank You for Your help!
Hi, I try to create dynamo for placing openings in wall and structural framing from linked model. All works perfect but after some time I get problem with one beam. Bellow is image with warning:
Is geometry scaling set to medium?
What do You mean? Where I can change it?
Preferences, but the default is medium so that may not be it. Can you isolate the failing element in the link - deleting everything but, and post a view of the element and the Revit with the other events cleared out?
Yes, but I don’t have access to the computer until thursday…
Hi, “linked element” below:
and bigger part of dynamo (on the left datashape UI, on the right placing family and rotate by elements):
Can you post the RVT file with just that element (and anything which modifies the geometry) in it? Otherwise we can’t identify why it’s failing.
Ok, sorry I can’t delete everything. Below is purged model:
Here are few problematic elements:
Ids: 1511745,1511860,4442115
The window (???) family instances Ballas_Opening_Circular 4"
in the beams have a circular opening that is tangent to the edge of a face, making geometry which isn’t physically possible to build, nor is it possible to push into Dynamo directly. Pull them down by 1/16" and you should be all set, but this will require some rebuilding of model elements.
The conditon:
The fix:
Depending on your intent for the graph, you may be able to get by without converting the geometry (i.e. using element intersection testing instead of geometry; using the Revit API directly) or you can look into converting the geometry in a piecemeal format to get what you need.