Dynamo script help - length addition

Bonjour la Communauté,

Je souhaite créer un script Dynamo qui récupère la somme de longueur d’une famille de modèles génériques ayant pour nom de famille et type “DSF_LongueurCircu” avec pour paramètre de longueur “COM_Longueur”. La particularité à prendre en compte est de sélectionner tous les modèles génériques qui existe dans le projet, dans quelle espace ils appartiennent, de faire la somme de chaque éléments pour chaque espace et de transférer la valeur dans le paramètre de l’espace “Longueur_Circulation”.

J’ai commencer le script mais j’ai un blocage pour extraire la somme des modèles générique de chaque espace.

Merci pour votre aide

AdditionLongueur.dyn (22.7 KB)

Bonnes fêtes à tous.


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Hello Community,

I’d like to create a Dynamo script that retrieves the length sum of a family of generic models with the family name and type “DSF_LongueurCircu” and the length parameter “COM_Longueur”. The particularity to be taken into account is to select all the generic models that exist in the project, in which space they belong, sum each element for each space and transfer the value to the space parameter “Length_Circu”.

I’ve started the script but I’m having trouble extracting the sum of the generic models for each space.

Thanks for your help

AdditionLongueur.dyn (22.7 KB)

Happy holidays to all.


here is a track you can transpose


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Hi christian.stan,

Thanks for the script and your responsiveness.
I am on Revit 2020 and Dynamo Core The Space.IsPointInsideSpace node does not exist.
With which node can I replace it.


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hi if you have this node,

it can be a palliative if your geometric spaces are not too crazy

show you possibilty with the space


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Thanks Christian,

but it doesn’t work

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weird, it’s strange you have to wait for someone more knowledgeable than me to enlighten


Hi Christian,

What is your family category please.
Mine is a generic model family.

yes, these are generic families, they send you an online location
you can with the curve at parameter node have the average point of your family

Are your calculation options based on volume?
your spaces are well defined in height to avoid having a warning message


Hi Christian,

Thanks for your responsiveness and for your help

It works with the “Curve.PointAtParameter” node

Happy Holidays


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