Dynamo script compilation


I’m wondering what are you doing when your script in Dynamo can’t finish running? I mean when every node is implement correctly (I think so :wink: ) but when you go ‘run’ then program stop responding. How can I check what I’m doing wrong?
I have limit my testing model in Revit to minimum (just one wall). It is quite frustrating, becouse I can’t find out what’s wrong and work on it.

Thanks for your ideas in advance!

Hello izakow,
If you can show your graph then people might be able to tell what’s going wrong.

Thank you for answer.

I’m just learning Dynamo and I’m trying to insert oppenings for ducts automatically. I have one wall in my model and one duct, then get the location of their intersection and insert the oppening family. The problem come when I change settings in Dynamo from Manual to Automatic.
I wonder maybe then it works somehow like endless loop? It make sens?

Thank you in advance

As a rule of thumb: you should never set it to run automatic when working with dynamo in Revit. So yeah, that’s probably why it freezes.

Ok, thank you