Hello plz can anyone help me with this thanks a lot!:
When loading the RhythmRevit bundle, Version=2020.9.8.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null, Dynamo detected that the AdWindows, Version=2018.11.1.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null dependency has already been loaded using an incompatible version.It is likely that another Revit add-on loaded this set. Try uninstalling the other add-ins and restarting Dynamo. Dynamo can be unstable in this state.Dynamo can be unstable in this state.It is likely that one of the following sets loaded the incompatible version:It is likely that one of the following sets loaded the incompatible version:
UIFrameworkInterop, UIFramework, UIFrameworkServices, AdApplicationFrame, RevitAPIUI, Autodesk.LoadAutodeskFamily.Application, Autodesk.Revit.CloudRendering.Application, ConnectedDesktopUI
I don’t want to go back to rvt 2020.
And the curved sections v2-10. dyn doesn’t support newer rhythm version it use with Rhythm 2020.9.8. 0Please can anyone help me with other answers.
Best of Luck guys.
Sorry I read your build wrong. 2022 should work with the newer build. Make sure you are fully up to date with your Revit deployment, disable your Revit add-ins, rename your Dynamo packages directory, and try installing Rhythm again from the package manager on your next launch.
Thanks Jacob, just few questions plz:
Does Rythm 2020.9.8.0 runs good with revit 2022 and its built in dynamo 2.10?
Concerning the add-ins, I already disabled them but I just don’t know why it still happens when I run the script… so bad.
I don’t know; my current Dynamo for Revit setup doesn’t have Rhythm in it, as I need a package free environment for faster development and testing of my current project.
Post your Revit journal and a screenshot of your Dynamo packages settings window showing no packages installed.
Hello John,
If I installed a new version of Rhythm like Rhythm 2022… rather than Rhythm 2020.9.8.0, my Dynamo Script Curved Section. Dyn showed me that I should install Rhythm 2020.9.8.0…
I don’t know why?
The problem that I am new and I cannot share with you this script, the forum doesn’t allow me.
Dynamo is wrong. Those are workspace references and serialized in the file. Install the new version and click “use installed version” on workspace references.
Once again, Rhythm has been fixed to auto install the correct version for you in the latest version on the package manager.
Side Note: Workspace references is useless and one of the worst things to happen to Dynamo in a long time. It is rarely correct, crashes Dynamo often (overlapping nodes) and adds overhead to the program.