Dynamo Players not working

Hi all,

I am running a script through Dynamo player, all I am doing in the graph is exporting the data to excel sheet through Write Excel Node as shown below

So the issue I am facing is the script runs smoothly when I run it through Dynamo core 2. However, when I run it through dynamo player I got message that the run completed but the excel files never get updated-- so the script is just not running fully through dynamo player. Any ideas on how to overcome this issue?

have you tried to use the OTTB nodes? the import / export excel nodes comes with dynamo not from packages

Yes, I tried to use anopther node with no luck. If I run the script from the graph everything works smoothly, only when I try to run it through the player–that’s when the script never run.

is this only happens with Excel related scripts ? or with other scripts also ?
do you have Dynamo 1.3 beside Dynamo 2 ?

I had two versions 1.3 and 2.0.2 of dynamo, so I just unistalled the 1.3 version. But the problem is still occuring and it didn’t make any difference.

you cant just remove dynamo 1.3 easily, the core still not deleted, try to close revit and open it again

I unistalled dynamo 1.3 and I repooted my system and same old?

Any suggestions on the best way to remove 1.3?

if you want to delete it use fixit utility fro Microsoft,

but i suggest to try your script on 1.3v

Many thanks, I literally followed the steps in the post you mentioned and manged to remove dynamo core 1.3.3 from windows but nothing changed–same problem :sweat_smile: