Dynamo Player - order of inputs

How can I change order of display inputs in Dynamo Player in accomplished script. I know they are displayed in order of creating in script, but when I have script which look like spaghetti, then it’s complicated to copy nodes, paste them, and link again.
I tried also open script in Notepad++ and copy some lines of code and paste higher or lower but it doesn’t help.

If you copy the nodes and then use Shift + Click on the old input nodes (their output with all their lines) it is quite easy to replace those.



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this does not work for me anymore,in Revit 2023…

Neither copying the input nodes in Dynamo nor editing the DYN file works for me.

How do we revise the order that inputs are displayed in the Dynamo player?

Thank you

Hi, renaming the nodes
you should have a display in the desired alphabetical order

edit: do not hesitate to consult this article by Mr. Pierson
