Input Order for Dynamo Player (2024 Civil 3D)

How the Inputs order in Dynamo Player seems to have changed for 2024 Civil 3D… Maybe Revit too.

I was doing it the old way of deleting and adding back the input nodes from bottom up, but that only worked until I got to a Input with a number in the Name. After trying the same thing a few time and expecting different results (I know), I realized it was the number that was effecting the order. The number was not even at the beginning of the Input name.

So, I tried adding numbers at the beginning of the input names, ie, 1 -, 2 -, etc… and then the player ordered them correctly by the numbers it found at the beginning of the input names. Is this in any Help document… I could not find it.

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Hi @btillett,

When you select a graph in Dynamo Player, there’s an option in the display preferences (upper right corner) to sort the nodes alphabetically. If that is unchecked, then you should get the behavior you describe with nodes being sorted in the order that they were inserted into the graph.


For older builds this topic might help, though I don’t know if it works in Dynamo for Civil 3d: Dynamo Player Input Order - #11 by truevis