I am assuming any instructions you want to convey to the user should go into the graph in Dynamo.
However, is there a way to show the instructions from Dynamo Player?
There is an option to a help page in here
I’ve created some graphs which require a user to select certain element prior to running the graphs. I simply renamed the “select” nodes (inputs) to give them some direction. I know this won’t work for more complicated instructions, but may fit some of your needs.
I have also been adding either [ R ] or [ x ] to the end of the graph names so users know whether they can just run the graph as is [ R ] or if they need to edit the inputs first [ x ].
Anyone coming to this thread via a web search: It is now possible to show a description in the dynamo player main window in Revit 2023 and newer.
The “Description” that is displayed in Revit’s Dynamo Player is part of the graph’s “Properties”. To display and edit the properties:
In the main menu at the top of the screen, choose “Extensions”, then “Show Graph Properties”. A side panel will show up where you can edit the description and place an image file via drag and drop.