Hi, i am trying to create a dynamo script for dynamo player user end with the option to select a color but if the color palette is use as input a unsupported Input Type is displayed on the Dynamo Player. is there a way to make this work, thanks.
Hello if i understand right, i would try a way with datashapes there is a node for input colors and could work with player…think it works for c3d too
Thank you Soren, but i tried and only the small window pops with the set values option. My main goal is to create a script that can change all the layers on the drawing to a selected color using a wildcard for filtering. For example. our layers for existing conditions starts with E- therefore i am using that piece of the string to select only those layer. every thing works but now that i want to give those option for a user to select a color and type the wildcard on Dynamo Player. i only see the input for the wildcard string and a unsupported Input Type if i use the Color Palette.
Hi @csanchez-jmc …it was just an idea, i can see some of these c3d nodes expect color index, not sure there are nodes in c3d there can convert color to index…im not the big c3d user as you can hear…
but try to learn it
The UI++ nodes are the way to go, but you’re quite a way short of having them configured correctly. Have a review of their blog post on the topic here: UI.MultipleInputForm ++ – data|shapes, and a few of the other linked topics. The resulting output once set up correctly will provide a Dynamo color object, which can then be used (perhaps after a conversion) to set the color as desired.
thank you guys, i will give it a try with the UI++ nodes