Dynamo parametric facade schedule parmater

I’m using a Dynamo script I’ve downloaded for paramteric curtain panel.
This script gives you the ability to randomly change the extrusion of each Curtain Wall Panel to achieve a parametric façade in Revit, using Dynamo script to automate the changes. Each time you run the script you will get a different result. The cubicles will change its depth using a minimum and maximum depth values.
How can I get the data of the Extrusion parmater which is different to each item? Either by schedule or Excel.
For example: what is the average H of all panels used, how many H=500 are generated etc.


From this overview, what type of parameter are you working with?

It’s a family parameter ( I downloaded an existing Dynamo script+ curtain panel family). I know family parameters can’t appear in schedules and tried to change it to a shared parameter or use a formula but It didn’t work.

Thanks for your help!

You could set the value to a schedulealbe parameter, such as comments, in addition to the parameter which controls the panel size.