HELP! I would like to make a list of count by material parameter name from panels I made as generic models

Hello, I made this wall as a generic model with various “facade panels”; 4 different types, each defined by a material name. I tried making a list of count (starting simple that way, but preferable dimensions too) but I can’t get it right. I’m a beginner and I tried getting the info by setting a parameter name. Should i work with curtain panels instead?

my failed attempt

You don’t need dynamo for this. Make each schedulable parameter of the generic model family a shared parameter. After that, you can create a simple generic model schedule inside Revit project, get the counts, dimensions, materials, areas, etc…

I’m not sure how the wall is actually made, but if you nested panels into another family, those panel family(ies) must me shared families. Then, you can schedule the panels.

Also, its always a good idea to set the category of the family. So even though you made something using “generic model” family template, you can set that family to be completely another category.

EDIT: And yes, definitely its best to use curtain walls for these kind of panels. The curtain wall panels can be actual walls with layers.

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Thank you very much! I forget sharing parameters on Revit can lead to detailed schedules.