Dynamo not showing in Revit 2014


I am very new to dynamo, I just installed it along with Revit 2014. Why my work on the Dynamo does not appear in the revit work space? as a beginner, I’m just creating basic shapes like line, cubes and so.


Hello Mohamed El Kady,

I don’t think I understand fully.

Are you saying, you are not able to launch Dynamo from Revit-2014? Or you are not able to see any Nodes?

Please give details so that I can solve your problem.





Thanks for your reply. The dynamo works well and I can open it from revit. the problem is that any geometry I make in the DYNAMO is not shown in the Revit.

like in the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuQuBiuvHf8.


SOLVED! :smiley: discovered that dynamo geometry wont be exported to revit by default, there are two methods: I) exporting to a SAT file or II) using imortinstance.ByGeometry.

source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0bIiLvIWeI