Dynamo MEP - Auto place light fixtures

I am new to this process, but I’m hoping someone out there can help with this: I would like to be able to click on a room and auto place light fixture on the ceiling. I would like to be able to select the room or ceiling and then define the qty of fixtures and ceiling height in Dynamo Player and then dynamo places the fixtures on the ceiling at the selected height and orientated based on the ceiling angle. Any assistance would be incredibly appreciated.

Hi @ADRev-1 could you show your graph so far ?

I do not have one. I was hoping maybe something like this already exists. I saw a Youtube channel that does exactly what I am looking for, but the creator did not post the script and it’s too blurry to try and recreate with my limited knowledge of Dynamo.

Hi @ADRev-1 …yes it should already exist and you will find many ways if you do a search here…probably not a finish solution but hints in the right direction…and think thats good so you dont just get a finish solution…but push you to learn…good luck