Hello everyone,
I was trying to perform my first dynamo script when I have encountered a problem,
The script function is to host Lighting Fixtures into the ceiling.
And here where I have reached.
The script didn’t work and i dunno What is the missing thing.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks all.
Hello @ohassanRFYG3
Congratulations to your first graph! We can help for sure.
To help, we need a higher resolution screenshot so we can read everything. Additionally you have to open ALL nodel results so we can see what is going on in your graph. At last we need to know what error messages you are getting. So you have to wright them down for us or make additional screenshots of the warnings.
To learn more about nodes:
I think you need to set the surface where the point could be hosted (SurfacePointAtParameter).
Something here could help Place a light based a point location - #19 by sovitek
I suggest you check your face input and try to understand what type of data it asks for. Normally a face input requires a surface geometry and you are trying to connect elements from a linked project there. Here is an example usage of the node:
Reference: FamilyInstance.ByFace with ElementFaceReference - #2 by Kulkul