Dynamo keep runing in this case

Dynamo is keep runing and i cant find where or how :frowning:,
dyn attached

TestRuning.dyn (92.4 KB)

Sorry, what is the issue here?

i am making a custom node, and if there is no data as input found, then dynamo keep runing

its like dynamo is keep look up for data

Did you test as a custom node it? what is the error?

Yes I did and there is no error with it, plz try to test the file

its running last 5 minutes.

I think the nods after list.combine are waiting it

But I can’t figure out if this is the problem

If there is no data passing then it keeps running

if i block the nodes after List.combine it work but still not a solution

i found this solution for now, but if some one know why List.combine is giving this kind of problem it will be great