Dynamo is not recognizing one of my parameter in my model (but only in one specific family)

I have a custom parameter (BM-IsPipeHanger) and i don’t have access to it in only this family. every other element in my model work properly with this except this family (BM-IsolationSpringHanger) as can be seen in image one my family has the parameter in it and in image two, the element cannot be access through that parameter, but can be accessed through another parameter. also in image 3 it can be seen that dynamo is not recognizing BM-IsPipeHanger as a parameter. why isn’t dynamo recognizing this, how can i get access to it?

I’m guessing that’s the only family that has it as a type parameter. Type parameters have to come from the FamilyType. Only instance parameters are immediately available from the FamilyInstance. I would filter the elements into a list that has the parameter (at the instance level) and a list that doesn’t. For the list that doesn’t, get the FamilyType then the parameter.

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That was it! Thankyou