Dynamo FormIt - Selecting elements from FormIt

Hi all,

Is there a node which will select elements in FormIt and push it to Dynamo? I’d like to initially create some curve or surface in FormIt and manipulate it further in Dynamo.

I am currently exploring Dynamo with FormIt but noticed that I can only ‘bake’ geometries I created in Dynamo to FormIt but there’s no node to do the other way around.

Am I missing anything?

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below tab convert RFA to FormIt … there is an option called import formIt to Revit .
did you try this ?

Hi @ingenieroahmad,

Thanks. But that’s not what I mean, I am using Dynamo with FormIt. Not Revit. And I want to directly manipulate some FormIt elements inside FormIT software using Dynamo, not thru Revit.

Hmm. Seems like I can only push elements. Thanks.

What about Element.Geometry?

Hi I believe you are correct. Currently there is no selection node in Formit. Formit does have plugins though so it might be possible to build something using that mechanism in the short term.

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Hi @archjahzzy, currently there’s no way to select elements from FormIt and reference them in a Dynamo graph.

However, this is our top request for FormIt + Dynamo, and we’re looking into a way to add this in a future release. Thanks for your feedback, and sorry for the inconvenience!


Thanks, @josh.goldstein. Will look forward to that feature.

Hi all,

I’m happy to report that the ability to select geometry from FormIt for use in Dynamo graphs is available in FormIt 2021.

Read about the new release, or you can also look through the updated FormIt + Dynamo page to learn a bit more about the improvements specific to Dynamo in FormIt 2021, including the new SelectFromFormIt node.

We hope you enjoy the new features!
