Hi everyone!
I am trying to use dynamo scripts in FormIt, but I can’t get BakeToFormIt node. Does anyone know where I can find the BakeItToFormIt node or how I can get it in my scripts.
Thanks for replies in advance
have you seen this?
Hi @Marcel_Rijsmus and thanks for reply. I haven’t seen that post. My problem is I can’t even find BakeToFormIt node in Dynamo. I don’t know if it should be there by default or I should install a package or something.
Yes, as far as I know. I reinstalled FormIt yesterday and the Autodesk Dynamo Studio is up-to-date and Dynamo in Revit is latest version as well.
I think you need to run DynamoSandbox in FormIt, not Dynamo Studio
Ok, I can see the FormIt node when I run DynamoSandbox. but how can I fix this in FormIt? whenever I push the Dynamo button in FormIt, it opens the Dynamo workspace without FormIt node.
I usually create scripts in dynamo Revit plugin and I can’t get the node there either.
maybe ask that on the FormIt forum?
I have done that, but I am still waiting for an answer. thanks @Marcel_Rijsmus for your help