I need help making a dynamo script that automatically places a duct transition fitting for multiple open-ended ducts. Picture for reference
Thank you for the help
I need help making a dynamo script that automatically places a duct transition fitting for multiple open-ended ducts. Picture for reference
Thank you for the help
¨Hello @Mr.White1 try show us what you have tried in dynamo and we can try help from there…but here is a fast exemple there probably could help you play around with it
This looks great! However, I’m having trouble recreating this and tinkering around with it as I do not know the packages involved. I apologize if this is a newbie question I can’t seem to determine what package some of these nodes come from. Can’t even google the node name. Is there a way to determine the package used based off the node name?
I’ll try and tweak this a bit as I want the script to be able to create a transition fitting for open-ended ducts of varying sizes, but the added height and width remains constant for all ducts. Thank you again!
OpenMep in that case
Seems like a very useful package. However, I cannot seem to successfully install (or atleast see) this package. I found a thread explaining this problem where it is not showing in the tree package but I don’t wanna mess around with the dynamo log since I’m not too familiar with it. Is there any workaround to this? Thanks! (For context I am using revit 2023)
No not sure…but seems that link its about 2025…
Spent the whole day trying to download OpenMEP package but with no luck, so I’ve been trying to find a workaround node for it. I’ve been kinda stuck here for the past few hours as I cannot seem to figure out how to replace the Duct.CreateByConnectorAndPoint node from OpenMEP. Some feedback would be great, cheers!
Try mepover duct by line
Your code works perfectly. Thank you! I was about to try and tweak it myself to be able to select multiple ducts, but seeing your code right now, it seems I failed to include the List.Join and List.Transpose nodes. Will keep that in mind next time!
I would like to take it a step further and make it so that it can add a constant of +100 on both the height and the width while selecting ducts of varying sizes (see sample below). I can’t seem to find a node in MEPover or DynaMEP that would help me with this. Ideally, the width and height input on the DuctRectangular.ByLines node would have to be edited, correct?
yes should be possible…for width/height is controlled in the duct nodes width/height, so get the width parameter from the duct and + 100…for length is controlled in the fitting family, so try set parameter
I figured I’d use the Element.GetParameterValueByName and use the Addition nodes to add the +100 for the height and width. Not sure if I got the lacing wrong (from your screenshot for multiple ducts) or if I should have used a code block instead of an addition node for it.
Either way, the ducts seem to dissapear when I run the script, must have misconnected a couple of nodes Thank you for the help!
*I’ve also attached the .dyn for reference
ABv1.dyn (58.5 KB)
Hi i will take a look later or tomorrow im little bit busy in the moment
This is awesome, mate! It works perfectly for open-ended straight ducts but I’m having difficulties running it for duct systems that include duct fittings. Ideally, the script should be used on duct systems with an air terminal or capped end at the other end. When the script is ran, only the open-end will get the transition fitting despite the duct fittings and straight ducts with capped ends being included in the selection (see images below for reference).
Selecting model elements:
Desired output:
årh yeah try filter your unconnected connectors out…and use them
you will find the connector nodes in MePover as well
Thanks for the tip! Starting to understand each node better now, and I appreciate your support on this. Unfortunately, the script I created generates a slew of out-of-place, disconnected 45-degree transition fittings I’ve even tried tweaking some of the code block inputs but still no luck. Can I get your feedback on my work? Thank you
TransitionFittings_v3.dyn (103.6 KB)
allright try as here, i have only test on that image i show…
111Home.dyn (84.0 KB)