Dynamo for Civil 3D 2025.2 Release

Hey Dynamo for Civil 3D users :wave:

In case you missed it, Civil 3D 2025.2 is now available, along with a bunch of Dynamo improvements! Here are the highlights in this release:

:label: New nodes for labels to help with automating plan production
:radio_button: A new Pick Point node to make it easy to specify a point in the drawing
:information_source: In-depth documentation and sample files for AutoCAD nodes
:train2: New nodes for additional railway cant parameters

And here’s a blog post with more information. Hope you enjoy!


Great update, and really cool to see the Pick Point node!

And at first sight, no new package breaks :wink:

Only an API break in the Alignment.GetClosestPointTo() in Civil 3D, but I don’t think it affects Dynamo nodes, but have not looked deep into this yet.

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Good to hear! The GridSurface class is exposed again if you need it.


@Anton_Huizinga , I think found node that used to work in 2025.1, but in 2025.2 it gives warning message.

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Ok, indeed a new break :thinking:

I’ll examine the code and see if I can update the package as soon as possible.


is this a bug?

Hi @ddrennen2QDK2,

I am not able to reproduce. Happy to look at a specific DWG if you need.

Looks like something has happened to node Profile.ByStationsElevations in 2025.2 as it is not able to get last station. On 2025.1 it worked fine given the same task.

I drew polyline with exact length 50 on my profile view at constant elevation and some rounding issue seems with last station.

Hi @markus.toon,

This node did not change at all between 2025.1 and 2025.2. If you want the last PVI of the profile to be at the exact end station of the alignment, a good practice would be to use the Alignment.EndStation node and append that value to the end of your station list.

I think it is caused by a new bug in 2025.2 API in the GetClosestPointTo or GetPointAt on an Alignment. Since 2025.2 an Exception occurs when trying to connect with the start or end.


@markus.toon I can investigate further if you can share your DWG with me.


6 posts were split to a new topic: Issue when creating manual property definitions

Really nice work! Will we see GIS nodes similar to those in the Civil3DToolkit?

Ok, on second thought, again package breaks in the .2 update:

Looking in my code, the Property Style has changed into a Method.

A quick scan in my code, the same happens with the FeatureLine Style.

This makes me extremely angry! :rage: Why are there constant changes in every update that breaks packages from running? Who comes up with such changes?

If someone from Autodesk bothers to read this, and care, ARE YOU AWARE OF ALL THE EFFORT WE PACKAGE BUILDERS PUT INTO THE COMMUNITY?

At this moment I am incredibly angry and my reaction here will show that. I am really seriously thinking about quitting all my endeavors like The Civil Nodes and my Dynamo book. I’ll try to calm down again before I do anything stupid, but it is no fun fighting an indifferent monster…



There are currently no plans to introduce GIS functionality in Dynamo for Civil 3D. We certainly understand the need, but we’ve heard that it would be more broadly applicable to other domains outside of just Civil 3D. So we’d prefer to approach it holistically rather than looking at a single product, and we don’t have a timeline for that as of yet.

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Regarding the issue with The Civil Nodes package, I’ve reached out to Anton in a DM so that we can chart a path forward.


If you mean the Object Data nodes, they can be found in The Civil Nodes.

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We certainly understand the need, but we’ve heard that it would be more broadly applicable to other domains outside of just Civil 3D. So we’d prefer to approach it holistically rather than looking at a single product

I’ve read this sentence a couple of times but can’t make much sense of it - it reads very “corporate”! :smiley:

I’d love to see the GIS-functionalities from the Civil3d toolkit added again. It was a very convenient workflow to attach a shapefile via mapwspace and do stuff with it. The Object Data nodes give the same functionality but (at least to my knowledge) the geometry has to be imported first. After a change to the shapefile you have to reimport.

Beggars can’t be choosers - I just think that it really would be a great (re-)addition. :slight_smile:

I hope you guys can work out the compatibility issues - I really don’t want to see the Civil Nodes going away!

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Basically GIS features are needed in Civil 3D, Revit, Forma, Advance Steel, Dynamo Sandbox, and the rest of the Dynamo Ecosystem. As Civil3D is about 1/4 of the Dynamo use cases for GIS data it doesn’t make sense to pull a team off of their other work building the great new features in Dynamo for Civil 3D in order to leave 75% of the use cases unaddressed.