Dynamo extremely slow

It’s entirely WIP because we wanted to test in the real-world on real graphs :smiley: But yeah, a little ironic!

Standard no guarantee’s on any timelines legal disclaimer: Dynamo 2.13 is currently slated to ship with Revit 2023.

In the meantime before you hit this build, I suggest using TuneUp only in Manual Mode, or to test combinations and not in such a large graph as every single node will add execution time to it from the profiler (What gives you the value back). In your particular case, avoiding TuneUp on this graph should alleviate the issues you have with hanging pre-execution.

Regarding the scaling issues mentioned above, software design decisions made in the past haven’t stood the test of time and we’ve made moves to improve that for 2.13 to modernize for how users use Dynamo today. Essentially this meant that the larger a graph got, the slower it got due to the loading of system resources in the UI. This resulted in higher memory usage than desired, and slower performance. We now create and destroy after use a lot of node based UI rather than persist it. These were not noticeable at the smaller graph level, but compounded into problems at graphs of multiple 100’s of nodes.

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