Hi, i write this topic because i don’t see any other topic with this issu … I made my dynamo scripts a few months before, and now i need to use them but when i open them by dynamo all of nodes disappearing . When i open new dynamo script program works very bad and i have problem to create any nodes. I instal new updates but it is nothing change.
I’m using revit 2021.1.5.
Did you have a similar problem? How to fix it? Thanks in advance for answer
This is caused by a conflicting Revit add-in. Make sure all your add-ins are completely up to date, and if that fails uninstall then in groups until you find the offending add-in.
Your Revit journal and/or Dynamo log may have more info on which add-in is causing the conflict.
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Thank you!!! It was Microdesk Accelerator…
I had the same issue and also caused by Microdesk accelerator? Is any way to resolve it and use the Microdesk add.in?
Just reinstalled revit 2022.1.3 and tried to install the latest version of Microdesk
You’ll need to reach out to the add-in author so they can resolve the conflicting DLL.