Dynamo Challenge 03: Wrong tool with Great Output

@jostein_olsen this sounds fun, if you want to enter it in! :smiley:

This would be a super cool use of Dynamo :smiley: In the past, I had wanted to create a “Beer Recipe Optimizer” where you selected your flavor profile, IBU target and base malt and it gave you options… but didn’t get around to it :roll_eyes:


Definitely submit this into the competition @Anton_Huizinga :smiley:

i did it last week, thanks for the reminder!! :wink:

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Hello Dynamites! :wave:

This Challenge is now over - a massive thanks to all who submitted their entries for the Dynamo Wrong Tool, Great Output and we can’t wait to see what epic connections and left-field things the community votes in as winner and runner-up! :star_struck:

All graphs will become available after the close of the voting session in the Challenge Library as well as present in this thread, so that you can inspect each DYN file to help you choose your favorite! You can vote based on any criteria you like: Approach, graph size, simplicity, humor or any other criteria of your choice!

Dynamo Challenge 03: Wrong Tool, Great Output
  • Entry 01: “QR Code Generator”
  • Entry 02: “Data Interop between Revit and Archicad”
  • Entry 03: “DynamoSat - A orbital transition simulator”
  • Entry 04: “Dynamo Hangman”
  • Entry 05: “Recreating Burton Wasserman’s ‘Peace’ art in Dynamo”
  • Entry 06: “Dynamo testing Machine Learning - Reading Integers from Drawings”
  • Entry 07: “Voice Messages from Dynamo”
  • Entry 08: “Analog date picker”
  • Entry 09: “Simple 3D Audio Visualizer”
  • Entry 10: “Parametric Baseball Field”
0 voters
Entry 01: "QR Code Generator"

QR_CODE_CAD_NATIVE_Local Block.dyn (1.1 MB)
QR CAD Native.dwg (746.2 KB)

Entry 02: "Data Interop between Revit and Archicad"
Entry 03: "DynamoSat - A orbital transition simulator"

DynamoComp03_DynamoTool_OrbitalTransit.dyn (134.3 KB)

Entry 04: "Dynamo Hangman"

Gallows.rfa (340 KB)
Hangman.dyn (199.7 KB)

Entry 05: "Recreating Burton Wasserman's 'Peace' art in Dynamo"

Burton Wasserman, Peace.dyn (57.8 KB)

Entry 06: "Dynamo testing Machine Learning - Reading Integers from Drawings"
namespace integerImage
open System.IO
module integerML =
    type Example = {
        Label : int
        Pixels : int []
    let readExamples path = 
        |> File.ReadAllLines
        |> Array.map (fun line -> line.Split ',')
        |> Array.map (fun line -> line |> Array.map int)
        |> Array.map (fun line -> {Label = line.[0]; Pixels = line.[1..]} )

    let distance (img1 : int[]) (img2 : int[]) =
        Array.map2 (fun pix1 pix2 -> abs(pix1 - pix2)) img1 img2
        |> Array.sum
    let classify (img : int[]) = 
        let bestMatch =
                readExamples (__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/train.csv")
                |> Array.minBy (fun x -> distance x.Pixels img)
Entry 07: "Voice Messages from Dynamo"

voice_message.dyn (6.0 KB)

Entry 08: "Analog date picker"

analogClockTimePicker.dyn (107.5 KB)

Entry 09: "Simple 3D Audio Visualizer"

Dynamo Challenge 03 Video2.mp4 - Google Drive

Entry 10: "Parametric Baseball Field"

baseballfield.dyn (287.0 KB)

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It should be made possible to vote more than once, all the submits are soooo good! Kudos to all the makers!


Looking for everyone to have their say on who they think should win this Challenge :smiley: So come take a look and vote!

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these are so good !


Six days left (At time of this post) on voting! :smiley: So come have your 2-cents!

3… 2… 1… and we are done! Poll is closed, votes have been tallied and winners are now in. An absolute massive shout-out to all of you who entered; the entries were all fascinating ways of using Dynamo to do things that others may not have thought of :star_struck: Not only did you push yourselves, but the broader community can now learn from the way you do things, as you can now learn from the other entries! #rockOnEducation #inspirational

Without further ado, the dual winners are as follows:

:1st_place_medal: In First Place we have @Ewan_Opie with his submission DynamoSat - An orbital transition simulator. Congratulations to you Ewan and please go and enjoy your twice-over swanky new forum badge “Dynamo Challenge Winner”!

:2nd_place_medal: In Second Place, we have @c.poupin with his submission Simple 3D Audio Visualizer. Congratulations Cyril and now please go and enjoy your awesome new badge Dynamo Challenge Runner-up.

:trophy: For all the other participants who entered, a giant thank you for exploring how you could recreate this complex geometrical pattern using Dynamo! A huge shout-out to:

  • @Alien for their creation of a Dynamo Hangman game. :game_die:
  • @Fiesta for their Voice Messages from Dynamo. :loud_sound:
  • @gilberto.arechigaiba for his QR Code Generator. :jigsaw:
  • @john_pierson for his Analog Date Picker. :clock1030:
  • @jostein_olsen for his Recreating Burton Wasserman’s ‘Peace’ art in Dynamo. :art:
  • @Menno_Mekes for his Data Interop between Revit and Archicad. :houses:
  • @timhevel for his Parametric Baseball Field generator. :baseball:
  • @Vikram_Subbaiah for his Dynamo testing Machine Learning - Reading Integers from Drawings exploration. :slot_machine: :books:

Looking forward to what the next challenges bring - so get your thinking hats on and see where it takes you! :bullettrain_side:


Did anyone try my hangman game using Dynamo Player?

It’s glitchy - for some reason the head appears on the first guess even if the guess is correct.

Anyone shed some light on this?

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Wow, thanks for the votes everyone :grinning:
I had a blast putting this one together. :rocket: :earth_asia:
Very creative entries by all :+1:


thank you in my turn for the votes and the ‘silver medal’, the submissions were really high levels and fun.
@Ewan_Opie Congratulations on your amazing script :star_struck: :rocket: